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Challenging greenwashing and supporting positive solutions

16Oct 08

Michael Pollan asks the President Elect to reform the food system and to encourage more pasture-based livestock farms

The New York Times recently published a letter written by Michael Pollan to the next President of the United States. He begins by pointing out that this is the first time a U.S. President has had to deal with a national food crisis since the Nixon administration. However, the crisis is different this time because asking for an increase in food production would further harm other campaign priorities – the health care crisis, energy independence or climate change. In fact,…

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14Oct 08

Go Forth and Multiply

A recent article on farm animal cloning appeared in the British Daily Mail. Following the births of eight offspring from a cloned U.S. milking cow, shoppers in the UK are outraged at the lack of information available and the absence of any labeling requirements. A recent survey of 25,000 European consumers found that 84 per cent believe we don't know enough about the long-term health and safety effects of eating food from cloned animals. Though the US Food and Drug…

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10Oct 08

Open for Business: The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill

The guerilla street artist Banksy has just unveiled a new exhibit in New York City's Greenwich Village. Featuring self-dipping chicken nuggets and other animatronic oddities, this is an artist's take on cultural and utilitarian attitudes towards animals-on the farm and in the home. A sign posted outside the shop proclaims, "Open for Pet Supplies/Rare Breeds/Mechanically retrieved meat." In a statement distributed by his publicist, the secretive artist stated, "I wanted to make art that questioned our relationship with animals and…

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06Oct 08

Dear Mr. President…

With roughly a month to go before the election, all are busy writing wish lists to the next president--whomever that may be. There is a groundswell in the sustainable ag. community of farmers, writers, advocates, and like-minded folks who would like to see a major reassessment of our ag. policy, and believe that now is the time to tackle it. Wes Jackson, Fred Kirschenmann, Wendell Berry and others are proposing an alternative to the five-year Farm Bill: a 50-Year Land…

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03Oct 08

The USDA fails to incorporate funding in its budget for food safety program

"It's disheartening -- even tragic -- that a program that costs so little yet does so much to keep our food supply safe is not being funded," said Dr. Mark Lutschaunig, director of the A.V.M.A.'s Government Relations Division. "We're talking about a cost of less than a penny per American to help keep meat, eggs and dairy products free of drugs and pesticides." It's Really Come to This: Critical Food Supply Safety Program Closing Due to Lack of Funds It's…

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