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Find AWA Grassfed Beef and Pastured Pork at 130 Whole Foods Market locations

Texas CattleIn response to many ongoing requests asking whether Animal Welfare Approved products are available in Whole Foods Market stores, the answer is YES!   This holiday season, in addition to purchasing your AWA meat directly from the farm, CSA, farmers’ markets, co-ops, or buying clubs, you can shop at more than 130 Whole Foods Market locations and find Animal Welfare Approved grassfed beef and pastured pork products.

While Animal Welfare Approved farmers supply numerous Whole Foods Market stores, typically it has been difficult for consumers to find Animal Welfare Approved products at these stores because most AWA products will lack the familiar AWA label. And since Whole Foods Market stores offer a variety of meat products from a host of different sources, consumers need to ask for Animal Welfare Approved products  by the specific farm or farm group where the animals were raised on pasture or range.

A state-by-state list of Whole Foods Market stores that stock AWA meats, and specifically what you should ask for at the meat counter, is available on Since the AWA products lack labels, asking the butcher for meat from a specific farm is the key to ensuring Animal Welfare Approved meat is a part of your meaningful holiday meal.

Consumers can find a searchable database of other Animal Welfare Approved products on the AWA website.  AWA wishes everyone a humane and happy holiday season!

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