A “pasture-raised” label claim on meat, dairy or eggs means the animal was raised on…
Out and About Today in Chicago and New York
Members of our marketing and outreach team are out this weekend meeting farmers and consumers and sharing information about the Animal Welfare Approved Program.
Meet Emily Lancaster and Brigid Sweeny at the First Presbyterian Church at 12th St and 5th Avenue in New York City at 2:00 PM for a panel discussion “The Educated Eater.” This program is hosted by Greenmarket and will focus on food labeling and how to shop for products which are local, organic or from humanely raised animals. See http://www.cenyc.org/greenmarket/educatedeater.
I (Beth Hauptle) will be working the crowd at the Family Farmed Expo in Chicago’s Cultural Center from 10 am to 5 pm. VIsit with me and Patricia and Mark Whisnant (and their lovely daughter Katie) at the American Grassfed Beef table. See www.familyfarmed.org.