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Blue Ledge Farm in Salisbury, VT farm profile

Blue Ledge Farm – Salisbury, VT

  • A Greener World

Although Hannah Sessions and Greg Bernhardt did not grow up in farming families, they were always drawn to the agrarian lifestyle because they enjoy physical labor and working with their hands. Also, “we felt like farming would also allow us more time together and with our kids,” explains Hannah. “It has turned out to be all of those things–and more.”

Today, Hannah and Greg raise Certified Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World (AGW) dairy goats at Blue Ledge Farm, a diverse 120-acre farm in the southern Champlain Valley of Vermont. The property consists of 50 acres in a conserved wetland state, 20 acres of wooded browse pasture, 30 acres of hay land, and 20 acres of open grass pasture. “When we first laid eyes on this farm we knew it was right for goats because of the vein of rocky ledge protruding throughout the pasture. Goats love to play on rocks, and they love a varied terrain,” says Hannah. Established in 2000, Blue Ledge Farm is home to roughly 130 Alpine and LaMancha dairy goats at any given time. The goats rotationally graze the pasture, giving the fields time to recover before the goats return. “Our animals have continual access to the outdoors and plenty of living space,” Hannah adds. “Their health and comfort is of our utmost concern.”

Hannah pursued Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW because she believes in what it stands for. “My feeling is that we work in partnership with the animals that we keep. While I ask a lot from my animals in terms of production, I never want to be exploitive in my relationship with them, and AWA gets this,” Hannah explains. “When I read through the list of requirements I felt like they made sense, and that it could have been farmers who came up with the standards. I hope that when consumers see the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW label on our cheese they trust that our animals are living good lives, and that their health and contentedness will come through in the quality of product we produce.”

Blue Ledge Farm Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW goat cheese is sold through a number of stores and distributors in New England and the East Coast, as well as California. Products are also available on their website, For more information about Blue Ledge Farm, mail [email protected], call 802-247-0095, follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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A Greener World
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