Siblings Erin, Lauren and Matt Williams raise Certified Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World…

Tucker’s Black Angus Ranch – North Lawrence, NY
Justin and Kelli Tucker raise Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW beef cattle at Tucker’s Black Angus Ranch in North Lawrence, New York. Growing up on a dairy farm, Justin has always been very comfortable around animals and enjoyed helping his parents with their farm. After he joined the Marine Corps and served two combat tours in Iraq, he came home to his family farm and decided to begin raising beef cattle. Justin was awarded the Farmer Veteran Coalition fellowship grant which enabled him to purchase four in-calf heifers and one steer to start his herd.
Today, the Tuckers raise just over 50 head of registered Black Angus cattle on 75 acres of well-managed pasture. “We chose to raise our beef cattle on pasture and a grassfed diet because there was more customer demand,” Justin explains. “Managing the cattle this way ultimately saves me money, too. I’m not feeding grain anymore and I’m not seeing any negative effects among the cattle from this transition to a grassfed diet. It’s a win-win. I’ve been farming a long time and raising pasture-raised beef just seemed like the right thing to do for our farm and for our customers.”
The Tuckers looked into Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW certification because they noticed other farms in the area were advertising their certification. “After learning more about the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW certification, we knew that we met the standards and wanted to be recognized for that,” Justin says. “Raising our animals with the highest quality of life is very important to us. I believe that promoting our farming practices using these labels will also help our marketing overall.”
Tucker’s Black Angus Ranch Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW pasture-raised beef is available direct from the farm Monday through Saturday. For more information, call 315-600-6989 or email [email protected]. Follow Tucker’s Black Angus Ranch on Facebook at @tuckersranch. Follow them on Facebook.