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GE Crop Thriller Leaves Bond and Bourne for Dust

It’s the kind of farfetched plot you’d expect to see in a James Bond or Jason Bourne movie. You know, where the bad guys are found to be secretly coercing governments – and even entire countries – to aid corporate global domination, and where good old Felix from the CIA saves the day and helps Mr. Bond defeat the evildoers. But in a bizarre twist to the plot, it now looks like the real-life U.S. Government officials have actually been working for the likes of Monsanto and the Big Ag lobby all along. A devastating new report by Food & Water Watch – entitled Biotech Ambassadors: How the US State Department Promotes the Seed Industry’s Global Agenda – reveals that the U.S. State Department has been aggressively pursuing foreign food and agricultural policies that seek to benefit the vested interests of the largest biotech seed corporations – often collaborating directly with representatives from Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, Syngenta, Bayer CropScience and Dow Agrochemical.

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Last Week to Register: From The Ground Up

Join Joan Gussow and hundreds of other leaders of the local and organic food movement in Santa Fe at this ground-breaking event. Folks from all around the U.S. and five other countries are coming. Be part of the launch of the Slow Money Alliance which is organizing a million members to begin fixing America's economy...from the ground up.

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