I read Michael Grunwald’s recent New York Times Opinion piece, Sorry, but This Is the…
Off to Alfred NY for Summit on Food Supply Chain to NYC
We are excited about our three day trip to Alfred, NY where we are sponsoring, along with our partners at Alfred State College, a Summit to develop a supply chain from Western New York to New York City.
An impressive group of farmers, NGO leaders, chefs, retailers, distributors and educators are meeting to discuss the demand, supply and solutions
Dr. John Anderson, President, Alfred State College
Dr. J.H. Bahn, National Program Leader, USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
Greg Bowman, Communications Manager, Rodale Institute
Andrew Gunther, Program Director, Animal Welfare Approved
Patrick Hooker, New York State Agriculture Commissioner
Judith LaBelle, President, Glynwood
Cathy Liss, President, Animal Welfare Institute
Dr. Donald Tobias, Extension Executive Director, Cornell University Cooperative Extension‐NYC, NY MarketMaker
Dr. Patricia Whisnant, President, American Grassfed Association
Panel One: The Demand
Moderator: Bob Lewis, New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets
Patrick Martins and Jeremy Hirsch, Heritage Foods USA
Bill Telepan, Telepan Restaurant
Nick D”Agostino, D”Agostino Supermarkets
David Schuttenberg, Cabrito Restaurant
Tom Massara, Campus Enterprises and Services
Panel Two: Farmer’s Needs
Moderator: Martha Goodsell, Fallow Hollow Deer Farm
Mary‐Howell and Klaas Martens, Lakeview Organic Grain
Charles Deichmann, Willow Creek Farm
Ivan Davis, Owner, Grizzly’s Custom Cutting
Panel Three: Linking Consumers and Farmers
Moderator: Miguel Gomez, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University
Tom Sleight, Executive Director, New York Farm Viability Institute
Steven Holzbaur, Consultant, Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship, Inc.
Tom Tolputt, Founder, Cornish River Valley Meat, UK
We are looking forward to meeting everyone who will be joining us for the day and to sharing the findings.
For more information contact [email protected] or visit our website.