I read Michael Grunwald’s recent New York Times Opinion piece, Sorry, but This Is the…
To our Facebook Fans
/fæn/ –noun
an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.*
Facebook is a forum for us to communicate with our friends and supporters and sometimes to engage in respectful debate. We are pleased that so many of you have become our “fans.”
It is becoming increasingly difficult not to want to delete posts that are insulting or hurtful to the farmers in our program, many of whom are also fans of our Facebook page. All of our farmers are making a significant difference in changing the face of farming in America.
Part of what we do on Facebook is share facts that will allow consumers to make informed choices. We are a program promoting high-welfare meat, dairy and eggs. We have a strong following of people who choose to consume these products, but want to assure that the animals were raised with positive welfare. These consumers understand that these products are safer, healthier and ultimately better for the farmers, animals and the environment.
There have been lively debates between farmers and those who do not eat meat and we welcome respectful debate, however, single line, invective and sometimes ill-informed comments are very unhelpful. Why is this morning’s article “gross?” Why do we need a “dislike” button?
We respectfully request that if you are not a “fan” of what we do, please find another page to become a “fan” of.
We appreciate all of you true fans who are following us, and really enjoy the diversity, but we will have to take steps if our farmers continue to be insulted on this page.
More people supporting AWA farmers means fewer animals raised in confinement and on feedlots.