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Upcoming Event: Animal Welfare Approved to Attend 6th Annual American Grassfed Association Conference

We are excited to attend the 6th annual American Grassfed Association Conference! The conference runs from February 6-7, and will be held at in Lexington, Kentucky. Acclaimed author and sustainable agriculture guru Wendell Berry will give the keynote address, followed by Dr. Lee Myer of the University of Kentucky who will discuss successful economic strategies for alternative ranching practices. Animal Welfare Approved has recently announced a partnership with the American Grassfed Association (AGA) through which farmers meeting both organizations' standards may receive both accreditations through one audit. These complementary accreditations will help differentiate farmers from those using only the USDA-defined "grassfed" label, which still allows feedlot confinement and growth hormones. Animal Welfare Approved Program Director Andrew Gunther and American Grassfed Association Director Don Davis will lead a workshop on obtaining these two seals, and walk farmers through the audit and certification process.
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How to Cook a Turkey Part II

We arrived at the Food Bank for NYC at 6 a.m. to resume our root vegetable preparation. By lunchtime, the parsnips and sweet potatoes had been fully prepped and the turkey was already cooking. Zak Pellacio and Jori of Fatty…

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A Healthy Debate

This past Saturday New York City's Greenmarket hosted an informational panel called "The Educated Eater" at First Presbyterian Church. I represented Animal Welfare Approved in a panel discussion on the pros and cons of using labeling as a way to…

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Animal Welfare Approved at Taste of Greenmarket

Taste of Greenmarket is a celebration of the harvest season with some of the best chefs in NYC. Proceeds from this fundraising dinner will go towards supporting family farmers and educating children about our food systems. Animal Welfare Approved is…

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