I read Michael Grunwald’s recent New York Times Opinion piece, Sorry, but This Is the…
New Proof that AWA Standards Rank Among the Best in U.S.
In a side-by-side comparison of farm animal welfare standards, Animal Welfare Approved is shown to be one of the best. A leading welfare organization, Humane Farm Animal Care, has just published a comparison of standards including USDA/Organic, American Humane Certified, Global Animal Partnership (GAP/Whole Foods Market) and others, and once again, AWA’s standards are the most rigorous requiring pasture access and grass-based production. The comparison chart shows key elements of standards such as outdoor access for animals, antibiotic use, transparency and managerial conflicts of interest. Across the board, AWA was ranked the best, as it has time and again.
“At this holiday time of year,” AWA program director Andrew Gunther says, “it’s great that Humane Farm Animal Care has produced the most detailed comparison of animal welfare standards to date. Consumers doing their shopping can now look to the Humane Farm Animal Care website to learn about the subtle and sometimes not so subtle differences among the various certifications and shop according to their conscience. This comparison confirms that products bearing the Animal Welfare Approved label come from farms dedicated to the well-being of animals, raised on a family farm, outdoors on pasture or range as nature intended.”
To view the standards comparison, please visit the Humane Farm Animal Care website.