What is “Regenerative”? 9 Reasons You Should Care
Regenerative farming is our best hope for feeding ourselves without destroying the planet. But what does “regenerative” really mean? Here’s our definition—and 9 reasons why you should care about it. To “regenerate” means to be formed or created again, restored to a better, higher, or more worthy state, to generate or produce anew, or to restore to original strength or properties (source: Merriam Webster). At A Greener World, we see regenerative farming as a set of life-promoting practices that improves…
Regenerative Is Not Just For Organic. New ‘Certified Regenerative by AGW’ label meets producers where they are on a journey of regenerative stewardship.
In a first for the industry, nonprofit certifier A Greener World has launched a plan-based regenerative certification, Certified Regenerative by A Greener World (AGW). As public interest in sustainability continues to increase and broaden in its scope, the demand for rigorous, meaningful assurances of responsible practices has grown. Building on its successful family of leading labels, the new certification will provide a whole-farm assurance of sustainability, measuring benefits forsoil, water, air, biodiversity, infrastructure, animal welfare and social responsibility. The program…
Britain At Breaking Point?
Over the coming weeks and months, American farmers and ranchers will probably hear a lot of apparent anti-U.S. farming reaction from the UK. On behalf of all British farmers, please don’t take it personally. The ‘B’ word In 2016, 51.89% of Britons voted to leave the European Union in what is now known as the Brexit referendum. Objectively, it is fair to say that most British farmers were more than a little ‘misled’ in the pre-election promises and predictions from…
In Control Of Our Impulses
What defines success when we are working cattle? Years ago success for me was just getting the job done. Now, success is about specific outcomes I want to achieve. At the end of the day, regardless of techniques, do’s and don’ts or rights or wrongs, they are all academic if the outcome isn’t achieved. The outcome I strive for now is calm, relaxed cattle. When I pressure cattle to ask them to move or turn, slow down or speed up,…
Chicken On Grass
Pastured chickens will obtain a certain amount of nutrients from the pasture, as well as insects and other small invertebrates, and from small seeds, fruits and berries. Although there is little consensus about exactly how important each of these sources of nutrition is, scientists agree that the potential contribution of pasture (grass, insects and worms) is highly variable and generally very small. From a welfare and productivity perspective, it is therefore vital for pastured poultry farmers to supply a well-balanced…