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AGW Blog

Challenging greenwashing and supporting positive solutions

16Nov 18

How to Save the World with Your Fork

A friend of the program recently offered some constructive criticism along the lines of: “I love A Greener World’s mission, but sometimes you make statements that are so big, so grand, that people don’t see how it can possibly be true.” As an organization steeped in agriculture and sustainability, it’s easy to forget to put the trees in context of the forest, but forgive us for our excitement and passion! We truly believe that the work that we do alongside…

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21Oct 18

Slaughter Plants Needed

Applying to A Greener World’s Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW program is normally a straightforward decision for farmers and ranchers. After reading the program standards, most are excited about the opportunity to prove to customers their commitment to high-welfare management. However, slaughter plant owners can have the opposite reaction. From experience, we know some plant owners wrongly assume A Greener World (AGW) is some kind of ‘animal rights’ group who want to record the killing of lovable animals for…

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28Sep 18
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Can We Trust The Numbers? blog

Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Can We Trust the Numbers?

When comparing greenhouse gas emissions, it’s not as simple as it may seem. For quite some time, there’s been a lot of talk about the environmental impact of animal agriculture, particularly about the estimated amount of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from livestock production. In efforts to point a finger of blame at the worst climate change offender, there have been reports that emissions from the livestock sector are greater than the emissions from the transport sector. So now we should

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13Jul 18
You can do something! Discover the power of your choices. blog

You CAN do something!

A lot of people are angry these days—and rightfully so. They’re angry about politics, pollution, climate change, health care, immigration policies and more. There are a lot of concerned eaters out there, too, who are upset and frustrated about the negative effects of industrial agriculture on our health and the environment. Families around the world are facing the threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, toxic emissions, diet-related diseases and other health concerns as the result of our reliance on so-called ‘cheap’ food…

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21May 18
Get Social with AGW blog

Get Social

An online presence is now a necessity for most farming and food businesses. But it’s not just about having a website: Social media is a vital part of any communications and marketing strategy—particularly for those selling directly to the consumer.   Why social media? A basic website will allow customers to easily find you online, but it has its limitations. Customers can visit your website, look at it and leave—and subsequently forget about you. Unless you spend a lot of…

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