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Lost Peacock Farm in Olympia, WA farm profile

Lost Peacock Creamery – Olympia, WA

  • A Greener World

Rachael Taylor-Tuller, along with her husband, Matthew, and two children, Gizmo and Banzai, raise Certified Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World (AGW) dairy goats at Lost Peacock Creamery, in Olympia, Washington. The farm found its name from the flock of peacocks that freely roam the property, and particularly a pure white peahen, which showed up one day and decided to stay.

Rachael and Matthew enjoy sharing their farm with the surrounding community and host popular events like “goat yoga” (where visitors can practice yoga and play with baby goats!) and a summer camp to teach young children about raising goats on pasture and making cheese from scratch. Animal welfare and environmental stewardship are important to the couple: “We made the conscious decision to raise animals with respect and dignity,” Rachael explains. “We believe by giving animals a free and safe environment, they will grow happy and healthy without the constant bevy of antibiotics, hormones and fillers factory farms are forced to use. We also believe when animals are raised outdoors on pasture in fresh air and sunshine, and fed an appropriate diet, their milk, meat and eggs are healthier for us.”

Rachael and Matthew currently milk 48 goats twice a day and make cheese every day. They produce a variety of goat cheeses, including chevre, thai garlic chevre, halloumi and occasionally make seasonal offerings.

Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW goat cheese from Lost Peacock Creamery is available at farmers’ markets, restaurants, co-ops and retailers throughout western Washington. For more information about Lost Peacock Creamery, visit or contact Rachael at [email protected] and 360-280-6730. You can also follow the farm on Facebook and Instagram.

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A Greener World
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