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AGW Blog

Challenging greenwashing and supporting positive solutions

06Aug 21
Sillent Killer

Silent Killer

Clostridia spp. is a group of bacteria widely recognized as pathogens of livestock, companion animals, wildlife and humans. Before the advent of vaccinations, clostridia disease was one of the biggest killers of sheep and goats, and losses could be catastrophic. Clostridia are part of the normal gut flora in goats and the bacteria are capable of producing highly resistant spores that can survive in the environment for long periods. It is impossible to eliminate them it from the farm. Disease…

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30Jul 21
Canyon of the Ancient Guest Ranch in CO eggs

An Ancient World – Meet The Farmer

Ming and Garry Adams run Canyon of the Ancients Guest Ranch near Cortez in Colarado. The 2,000-acre property is situated near the McElmo Canyon and guest accommodations are open for rental throughout the year. How did you get into ranching? By accident! I am a city girl who grew up in Taipei, Taiwan. Garry grew up on half an acre near Golden, CO and his uncles had farms in Colorado and Wyoming where he spent time at a young age…

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26Jul 21
The Truth About Your Fake Meat blog

The Real Truth About Your Fake Meat

Plant-based foods are all the rage. Barely a week goes by without news of the latest celebrity-endorsed meat alternative destined to save the world. But is the ‘plant-based’ faux meat revolution really as green and healthy as it seems? According to the Good Food Institute, total plant-based food retail sales reached $7 billion, growing 27% over the past year alone — almost two times faster than total U.S. retail food sales. Retail data from SPINS released in April 2021 show…

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09Jun 21
Antibiotic-Free Labeling

Antibiotic-Free Labeling

In the mid-1970s, the medical community began looking at ways to limit antibiotic use in response to concerns about rising antibiotic-resistant infections in the clinical setting. The medical community knew that improper use of antibiotics would result in those bacteria not killed by the drug becoming resistant, and that resistance would be replicated and spread throughout the bacterial world. Sir Alexander Fleming, the scientist who first discovered naturally occurring penicillin and its infection fighting capabilities, warned of potential misuse —and…

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03Jun 21
Is Local Always Best blog

Is Local Always Best?

An astonishing amount of advice is given to shoppers about what food they should eat and where they should buy it. While much of the guidance is sound and reasonable, some of it is wildly inaccurate—or just downright unrealistic. Unrealistic expectations A phrase you’ll often hear is: “Before you buy any food you should always visit the farm.” Buying direct from the farm or at a farmers’ market is something A Greener World wholeheartedly encourages. Not only does the food…

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