Staying Safe
An invader is detected and deemed dangerous. Evidence is delivered to multiple locations, where it will first be used to identify the foreign agent’s unique weaknesses; then to design and manufacture special weapons to exploit those weaknesses. The weapons are designed to work within the conditions and constraints of the location being infiltrated, effectively targeting the invader while avoiding collateral damage. As supplies increase and weapons are deployed, the invader is disabled, captured and finally removed. But the story does…
Certified Regenerative by AGW Pilot Farms Selected
Following the recent launch of our newest label, Certified Regenerative by A Greener World (AGW), we are thrilled to select over 50 farms to join the program’s pilot phase. Building on our successful family of leading labels, the new certification will provide a whole-farm assurance of sustainability, measuring benefits for soil, water, air, biodiversity, infrastructure, animal welfare and social responsibility. Key features of the program include transparent, rigorous standards; high animal welfare; a holistic, farmer-led approach; early and broad access…
Snake in The Grass
From a young age, we are often taught to fear snakes. What these animals need is not fear but respect. With a little research, snakes can be easily understood and tolerated with minimal anxiety. Seeing a snake on your farm or ranch can be a frightening experience—particularly if you cannot identify the species and therefore do not know if the snake is going to harm you or your family. That being said, the vast majority of snakes in North America…
Meet the farmer: Bison Naturel
Pierre Bélanger and family raise Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW bison at Bison Du Nord in Earlton, Ontario. The 570-acre ranch is located in northeast Ontario, right on the border with Quebec. The rugged landscape of fertile soil produces excellent grass, making the property’s pastures a natural fit for bison. Tell us about your farm We became bison ranchers in 1972, initially for the pleasure of owning and raising North America’s iconic animal. Over time, the ranch has become…
Regenerative Label Comparison Chart
‘Regenerative’ is one of the latest buzzwords in food and farming—and increasingly on our grocery shelves. You may know what ‘regenerative’ means to you, but how do you know what it means to someone else? (Like, for instance, that company advertising ‘regenerative’ mac and cheese?) Our handy comparison chart shows how different claims stack up—including ours—and helps you shop according to your values. Download the Regenerative Comparison Chart here.