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Challenging greenwashing and supporting positive solutions

22Apr 09

On Animal Agriculture and Global Warming

Spring shedding at Animal Welfare Approved's Green Dirt Farm in Weston, Missouri Is meat to blame for our climatic woes? According to two recent reports, one by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the other by the American Meat Institute (AMI), the consensus is, "partly." The two groups differ however, on just how much. According to the AMI, the nation's largest meat and poultry trade association, animal agriculture contributes only 2.8% of the greenhouse gasses emitted by…

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16Apr 09

Andrea Reusing on Pastured Eggs

Acclaimed chef and friend of Animal Welfare Approved Andrea Reusing wrote a nice post about the true costs of conventional eggs vs. those from hens raised humanely on pasture. Read the full article (below) as it appeared on, and try out her recipe for fried rice with eggs and country ham! For more on Andrea's views on the link between farm animal welfare and good food, take a look at our chef profile in the Summer 2008 newsletter. Egg…

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13Apr 09

Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future Response to NYTimes Op-Ed

In response to last week's Op-Ed in the New York Times by James E. McWilliams entitled Free-Range Trichinosis, the folks from Center for a Livable Future at Johns Hopkins University wrote this blog. April 10th, 2009 Smoked "Bacon" and Mirrors Why didn't Op-Ed author reveal National Pork Board paid for Trichinosis study? Having spent the majority of my career as a journalist I tend to be skeptical of almost everything I hear or read. Over the years my "bull-crap" alarm…

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06Apr 09

Deadline to Comment on Subsidy Loophole!

Food Democracy Now's Dave Murphy has brought to our attention today's deadline for closing a loophole that allows subsidy payments for large corporations. Murphy says of these subsidies, "As part of his 2010 budget, the President proposed phasing-out direct payments in an attempt to save $9.8 billion over 10 years. Currently direct payments, which total $5.2 billion a year, are paid regardless of crop prices and are not tied to need. This means: Even in times of high commodity prices, corporate farmers still get a paycheck from the government...Today's current subsidy system allows large corporate farms to take advantage of subsidy loopholes that place independent family farmers at a serious competitive disadvantage."

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04Apr 09

Animal Welfare Approved Featured in Debut of New Food Show in NYC

Segments of an on farm visit by an Animal Welfare Approved auditor were featured in a news piece last night on Channel 11, WPIX in New York City. See below. Correspondent Arthur Chi'en debuts his new food show this weekend which also features Animal Welfare Approved. We''ll post the food show clip when it is available. Good luck with "Dining Pix," Arthur.

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