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AGW Blog

Challenging greenwashing and supporting positive solutions

14Oct 22
Nature by Numbers blog

Nature By Numbers

Measuring and managing soil health is central to all regenerative agriculture approaches. However, the new Certified Regenerative by AGW program takes things one step further by including biodiversity assessment and monitoring. Why biodiversity? Biodiversity is an essential indicator of a successful regenerative farming system, where wildlife habitats are integral parts of the holding. These include areas such as banks, hedges, ponds, species-rich pastures, wetland areas and shrubland. While testing and monitoring your soils is a worthwhile and recommended practice for…

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01Oct 22
Silent Killer blog

Silent Killer

Some livestock diseases enter through an insect bite. Others are tracked on a borrowed trailer or dirty boots. A few reside in contaminated soil or water. While the virus that causes Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis (or CAE) in goats is sometimes found in the environment, semen, or other locations, infection typically comes from one of two sources: contaminated milk or close contact with infected animals. CAE is one of several small ruminant lentiviruses, a diverse family that infects goats, sheep,…

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16Sep 22
Cahokia Rice Meet the Farmer

Meet the Farmer – Cahokia Rice

Blake Gerard (above above, with some of the farm's crew) is a fourth-generation farmer in Alexander County, IL, growing rice and soybeans. The family focuses on producing a low-glycemic rice, sold and marketed under the Cahokia Rice brand. How did you get into farming? I’m the fourth generation farming here at Gerard Farms and have farmed right next to the Mississippi River since I was 20 years old. During the first nine years, I experienced four major flooding events where…

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30Aug 22

AGW Road Trip Wrap Up

As the summer winds down, we want to thank you for joining us on our Summer Road Trip!  The 8-week virtual vacation brought us to the doorsteps of a few of the farms, ranches and businesses we certify around the globe. We are glad we could introduce you, share a glimpse of their part of the world and highlight the AGW-certified, sustainable food they produce.  If you missed it, you can find all the Summer Road Trip posts on our…

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08Jun 22
Hit The Road With Us This Summer blog

Hit the road with us this summer!

Summer is road trip season!  We hope you’ll come along with us on AGW’s virtual summer road trip, as we make our way around the world, stopping at AGW-certified farms and ranches along the way.  You’ll meet the farmers (and the animals!), get a glimpse of daily farm life, hear why their certifications matter and maybe pick up a few new AGW-certified product “souvenirs” along the way. Starting with farms close to our North American headquarters in Terrebonne, OR, we’ll…

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