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AGW Blog

Challenging greenwashing and supporting positive solutions

15Mar 21

Introducing A Greener World’s New Executive Director, Emily Moose

Despite our grief over the sudden passing of founding Executive Director Andrew Gunther, we are excited to announce that Emily Moose has been named our new Executive Director, following Andrew’s previously established succession plan and with the unanimous support of the AGW Board of Directors. Emily has been at A Greener World for over thirteen years, where she helped to establish Certified Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) by AGW as the leading label for sustainable livestock production, as recognized by Consumer…

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21Feb 21

Andrew Gunther

It is with great sadness that we share the loss of A Greener World’s Executive Director, Andrew Gunther, who passed away Friday, February 19. This sudden, tragic loss is a devastating one for the Gunther family, the AGW team, and all those working toward a sustainable food and farming future. We will share details on Andrew’s legacy and arrangements in the coming days and continue to hold the Gunther family in our thoughts. Andrew’s leadership, expertise and relentless hard work drove…

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09Feb 21
What is pasture-raised? blog

What is “Pasture-Raised”?

What is “Pasture-Raised”? Pasture-raised means an animal was raised on pasture. But heads up: it’s not always used honestly—we’ll explain later how to know when you can trust this claim. Not to be confused with pasteurized (the process of heating foods to kill germs), the term “pasture-raised” is usually talking about an animal raised for food, and you’ll find it as a label on meat, dairy and eggs from those animals. Aren’t all farm animals raised on pasture? No. While…

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20Jan 21
At The Crossroads blog

At The Crossroads

The COVID lockdown and movement restrictions in South Africa have undoubtedly hastened the evolution of consumers reconnecting with the origin of their food—and those who produce it. Throughout 2020, more and more people began using online food platforms, choosing to source food directly from farmers and growers. Unfortunately, once the movement restrictions were eased, most people soon returned to the old habits of ‘convenience’ shopping at the supermarkets. I say ‘most’, because the seeds of change were undoubtedly sown. New…

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18Jan 21
Laying Hens 101 blog

Laying Hens 101

Pasture-raised eggs can provide a useful income stream to an existing farming business. But as with any new venture, it is essential to ask yourself some important questions before buying in your first chicks. Do I have the time and additional resources to accomplish this task? Can I afford the initial outlay? What are my costs of production? Do I have a viable local market, such as a major metropolitan area or popular farmers’ market? Will local stores or restaurants…

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