Help Us Help You
MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR CERTIFICATION As an AGW-certified business, you’ve earned the right to use one of the most valuable, meaningful labels leading the marketplace today. What’s more, you’ve joined an ever-growing community of farmers and ranchers who are industry leaders in farm animal welfare and environmental sustainability. This guide explains how we can work together to maximize your certification—and by doing so, convey your hard work and sustainable farm management practices to your customers! CONSUMERS WANT YOUR…
If you care about hunger, here’s 5 reasons you should care about sustainable farms
If you are concerned about hunger and food insecurity, about making sure that everyone has enough to eat, you should also care about independent, sustainable farmers. Within our lifetime, hunger has never been a more pressing issue. Over 20 million Americans are unemployed because of COVID-19 and food banks across the U.S. have seen record demand. The COVID Impact Survey taken in April showed the highest level of food insecurity compared to data from previous years, including an unprecedented rise…
What does buying local mean to you?
TK Ranch Guest Blog By Colleen Biggs from TK Ranch in Alberta, Canada Driving home to the ranch I heard an ad from a Calgary grocery chain reassuring consumers that they only buy their beef, pork and chicken from local farms. I know what local means to me, but how might the average consumer interpret that message? If I had no connection with agriculture, I might think they were buying from stereotypical family farms and offering something different than other…
In Defense of Redundancy
Nothing gets us focused on farms like empty shelves at the grocery store. Having farmed through three pandemics, I can all but predict how this will play out: panic-buying and stockpiling, fleeting interest in local agriculture and temporary acceptance of the true cost of food, followed by quick return to the convenience of pre-pandemic shopping. It will be as if this recent seismic shift never happened, and we’ll have lost a rare opportunity to make sure it doesn’t happen again…
On Sustainability And Affordability
Andrew Gunther Regarding the May 13th Bloomberg article “There’s Plenty of Meat in America—For Those Who Can Afford It” by Lydia Mulvany, Deena Shanker and Kim Chipman: The article opens with, “While many regular American grocers are running out of meat, specialty food producers have plentiful supplies -- for those who can afford it.” This does not sit well with an organization that certifies and supports independent farmers. Independent producers are one of the solutions to the country’s problem of meat…