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Mack Brook Farm farm profile

Mack Brook Farm – Argyle, NY

  • A Greener World

Mack Brook Farm is owned and run by Kevin Jablonski and Karen Christensen. The farm covers over 300 acres in Argyle, NY, situated between the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains of Vermont.  In this quiet corner of upstate New York, their Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW herd of Aberdeen Angus cattle roams over their pastures. “Their diet is our grass and, in winter, hay from our fields,” says Karen.

Kevin and Karen have made a comprehensive effort to preserve the land as well as its Scottish heritage. Argyle, New York was originally a Scotch land grant which attracted many immigrants from Argyll, Scotland who found the land very similar to their Scottish homeland.  Angus cattle, native to Scotland and bred from indigenous wild species, find the area a natural home and consequently Kevin and Karen chose to raise this breed on their farm. “However, grassfed genetics have been weakened and almost bred out of commercial Angus,” says Kevin.  “My interest in genetics led us to a closed herd of Aberdeen Angus brought over in the 50’s. We were fortunate to acquire a bull that was a great-great-grandson of one of the original herd Sires from Scotland.  His daughters make up the majority of our brood cows and are the foundation of our herd. Our emphasis on good genetics is what gives Mack Brook Farm beef the superior flavor and marbling our customers enjoy.”

“We are proud that all the meat that we sell is from animals that are born and raised on our farm,” Karen explains.  “We decided to apply for certification because we felt that the Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW label was in line with our own ideals, and that we already used the practices required.”

Mack Brook Farm beef is sold at their on-farm store and at select local stores. In the early days, their product was transported to New York City and sold to Gramercy Tavern restaurant and others.  Now, they have realized their goal of selling all their product in a more local area.

To learn more about the Mack Brook Farm, visit or reach them at [email protected] or (518) 638-6187. You can also follow Mack Brook Farm on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on farm news, photos, and events.

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