Third-Party Grassfed Certification More Important Than Ever
On January 12, the Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) announced it had withdrawn its grassfed standard used in livestock and meat marketing due to lack of a clear congressional mandate to maintain it. While these changes at the USDA are largely procedural, this development could result in a proliferation of “grassfed” claims that do not meet consumer expectations. In light of the USDA’s announcement, transparent third-party certifications that clearly define 100 percent grassfed production (like Certified Grassfed by AWA) become more important than ever for protecting the interests of “true” grassfed farmers and conscientious consumers alike.
Big Ag’s Gifts for 2015
It's a tradition of ours to recap the many "gifts" Big Ag bestowed upon us over the last year. Most are gifts we didn't really want, need or (in some cases) didn't even know about. Here's our top 5 for 2015--and what you can do about it!
The Top 5 Misleading Food Stories for 2015
Does every “doomsday meat” story you read in the papers or on Facebook always reflect the truth—or even present the real facts? Here is our list of the Top 5 Misleading Food Stories for 2015...
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Fuel Industrial Farming
Ever heard of the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Well, it is the largest regional trade treaty in history. And it’s likely to lead to the dramatic expansion of the intensive livestock industry across the U.S.
Sustainable Farming Means Safer Meat? Now There’s a Surprise…
New research from Consumer Reports shows that conventional ground beef is twice as likely to contain potentially life-threatening antibiotic-resistant ‘superbugs’ than ground beef from sustainably-raised cattle...